Matteo Maria Girolamo

CHU Guadeloupe, France

Title: What does a “white pupil” hide? Causes of leukocoria in pediatric age


The purpose of this presentation is to review the most common etiologies of leukocoria in early age patients for a pediatric medical doctors’ audience. Despite being retinoblastoma the most frequent intraocular pediatric tumor, a white pupil reflex may be caused amongst others by retinoma, medulloepithelioma, astrocytic hamartoma, Coats disease, persistent fetal vasculature, uveal coloboma. Besides a comprehensive ophthalmological examination, ocular tonometry, eye fundus digital pictures through wide field imaging, ocular echography, optical coherence tomography and orbital magnetic resonance imaging may help differentiate these clinical entities. Hints and tips will be discussed to help pediatric healthcare professionals to conduct a prompt and orientated differential diagnosis to ensure young patients’ best outcome. In fact, leukocoria should alert   physician’s attention to ask for a scrupulous ophthalmology screening for the neoplastic and   developmental anomalies which may lead to life threatening and poor visual prognosis respectively.


Matteo Maria Girolamo is an Italian senior ophthalmologist currently working in France. After graduating, both with full marks with honors, in medicine and surgery at the University of Florence and completing his residency in Ophthalmology at the University of Siena, he left for France. In Paris, he worked at prestigious ophthalmology hospitals such as Créteil, Quinze-Vingts and Cochin. Meanwhile, he passed the EBO and ICO (European and international ophthalmology diplomas). He won several awards for his research works from the Italian Ophthalology Society (SOI) and French Eye Bank (BFY) besides international grants from the International Society Ocular Oncology (ISOO), European Board Ophthalmology (EBO) and European Society Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ESCRS). As confirmed by his volunteering experience in Kenya, he is also interested in helping less developed countries with ophthalmological humanitarian missions.