Lucia Leonor Cuevas Lopez

Nino Jesus Pediatrics Medical Unit, Mexico

Title: Opercular or perisylvian syndrome: Presentation of a clinical case


Background: The concepts of epilepsy date back to times before our era, there are data that represent the evidence of the brain and its effect on motor functions, the natural is identified from the supernatural and a magical approach is given to epilepsy. There are some rare forms of epilepsy among them we mention The opercular or perisylvian syndrome, described in 1926 by Foix-Chavany-Marie is a peculiar form of benign partial epilepsy of childhood, characterized by a disorder of voluntary control of the muscles of the face, tongue, pharynx and masticatory, caused by a bilateral lesion of the opercular cortex.

Clinical case: Female of 10 years of age. She started with headache suddenly, without being able to articulate language, she tried to communicate without succeeding, even when trying to write, she found herself disoriented, without identifying relatives or remembering some things, confusing colors, feverish peak of 38ºC. refers to hospital, recovering a little language, but still does not remember many things, was disoriented, had left frontal headache, slow pupillary response, loss of muscle tone and limb strength, language impairment.

Conclusions: opercular or perisylvian syndrome is a clinical entity, with facio-pharyngo-glosso-masticatory diplegia, that is, facial weakness with voluntary-automatic dissociation, with abolition of voluntary movements and conservation of automatic and reflexes, with weakness of the masticatory and pharyngeal muscles. It is important to know this pathology, it must be correctly identified to guide the patient and or relatives about the presentation and evolution of this condition. In the case of affected adults, it is necessary to inform about the vascular involvement, which merits the intervention of the rehabilitation area.


Lucia Leonor Cuevas Lopez is currently working as a Pediatrician in the Nino Jesus Pediatrics Medical Unit in Tehuacan, Puebla, Mexico. She is a member of the Mexican Academy of Pediatrics and a member of the National Confederation of Pediatrics of Mexico. She is a certified Breastfeeding Consultant. She is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Pediatric Academy of the Mexican Academy of Pediatrics. She is a professor of embryology, child health and pediatric medicine at the Southern Regional Complex of the Benemerita Autonomous University of Puebla. She is the author of various articles in national and international journals, author of several book chapters.